Here Comes the US Navy’s New Stealth Submarine

The U.S. Navy has christened its newest Virginia-class submarine, the USS Montana (SSN-794), honoring the state of Montana. Although Montana is the fourth largest state by size, it is the eighth least populous and far from the sea. Nonetheless, this new fast-attack submarine pays tribute to the Treasure State.

Christening Ceremony

The christening ceremony took place at Huntington Ingalls Industries’ Newport News Shipbuilding division, where construction began in 2015. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the event was held virtually, marking the first christening since the pandemic began. Jennifer Boykin, President of Newport News Shipbuilding, expressed disappointment that the usual celebrations could not occur but emphasized the importance of continuing their work despite the pandemic.

Boykin praised the craftsmanship of more than 10,000 shipbuilders from Newport News and General Dynamics Electric Boat, along with the support from over 5,000 suppliers across all 50 states.

Capabilities and Mission

The USS Montana will explore some of the most remote areas on Earth, embodying the spirit of its namesake state. The submarine’s advanced fighting capabilities are intended to serve as a deterrent to aggressors, safeguarding freedom and democracy for the U.S. and its allies. The crew, well-trained and prepared, will ensure the vessel’s mission success and safety throughout its service.

Virginia-Class Submarines

The U.S. Navy operates three major types of submarines: ballistic missile submarines, attack submarines, and cruise missile submarines. All are nuclear-powered. Ballistic missile submarines have a strategic mission of carrying nuclear submarine-launched ballistic missiles. Attack submarines, like the Virginia-class, have tactical missions including sinking ships and submarines, launching cruise missiles, and gathering intelligence.

Virginia-class submarines are designed for versatility, operating in both littoral and deep waters. Their missions include:

  • Anti-submarine warfare
  • Anti-surface ship warfare
  • Strike warfare
  • Special operation forces support
  • Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
  • Irregular warfare
  • Mine warfare

These submarines’ stealth, endurance, mobility, and firepower support five of the six core maritime strategy capabilities: sea control, power projection, forward presence, maritime security, and deterrence. They are replacing the older Los Angeles-class submarines.

Armament and Specifications

Virginia-class submarines are equipped with:

  • 12 vertical missile launch tubes
  • Four 533-millimeter torpedo tubes
  • Capacity to launch 16 Tomahawk submarine-launched cruise missiles in a single salvo
  • Capacity for up to 26 Mark 48 Advanced Capability Mod 6 heavyweight torpedoes and Sub-Harpoon anti-ship missiles

Strategic Importance

Navy leaders emphasize the need for more attack submarines, particularly in the Pacific. Admiral Phillip Scott Davidson, Commander of the Indo-Pacific Command, highlighted the threat from North Korea and the long-term strategic threat posed by China. He stated that submarines are the most crucial warfighting capability in the Pacific and advocated for the accelerated deployment of Virginia-class attack submarines to address current shortages and meet strategic requirements.

In summary, the USS Montana represents a significant addition to the U.S. Navy’s fleet, with advanced capabilities designed to ensure maritime security and deter potential threats. The christening of this submarine marks a continued commitment to maintaining naval superiority and supporting global defense objectives.


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